Resident resources

Boston is one of the oldest cities in North America and one of the most liveable.  To help you make the most of all that your city has to offer, you are invited to click on the following web links to helpful resources provided by the City, Commonwealth and your neighborhood's organizations.


BOS:311 is the City of Boston's award-winning effort to empower residents to be the City's "eyes and ears." You can alert the City of Boston to neighborhood issues such as potholes, damaged signs, and graffiti, to name a few.


To start reporting, download the app, or visit the website, or give them a call. All available 24/7/365.




You can help us create a safer neighborhood for everybody!


The Association works closely with local law enforcement agencies and your elected representatives to help keep our neighborhood a safer community for everyone to enjoy.  


You are invited to help as well.  If you see a crime or anti-social behavior such as human trafficking (prostitution), panhandling or illegal drug activity taking place, you should do any of the following to report it, anonymously.


  • Call 911 
  • Call Boston Police Human Trafficking Unit at 1 617 343 6533
  • Call 1 800 494 8477
  • Text 'TIP' to 27463 (CRIME)


You are also welcome to join the Public Safety Committee.  This committee acts as a forum to support community partnerships to prevent crime and the fear of crime in the neighborhood. The committee focuses on neighborhood priority issues such as human trafficking (prostitution), panhandling, illegal drug activity, burglary, home invasion, car theft and other public safety concerns.  The committee works with the Boston Police Department, Commonwealth of Massachusetts State Police and other law enforcement officials to problem solve, share information and address issues.


Sign up today and help us keep our neighborhood a safe place to live!


Stay informed

Click here if you would like to join our e-mail list.

Events & projects

Please visit our Events and projects page to find out what your Association has been working on and what is in store for the near future.

Resident resources

If you would like more information about programs and services for residents such as how to get your free Resident Parking Permit, how you can fight crime or find out your trash collection day, kindly click here


Next Monthly Membership Meeting:

Tuesday, 18 February 2025

7:00 PM - 8:00 PM

(registration from 6:30PM)

73 Roseclair Street at St. Teresa of Calcutta Church Hall


When you become a Member at this meeting, you will have the right to vote on resident-initiated items on the agenda at the next meeting. 

Become a Member

Annual membership dues are only $5.00 or $10.00, at your discretion, and proof of residency within Association boundries will be needed to qualify your enrollment and membership. Please refer to Member-approved Association By-Laws for residency requirements. 


Your annual membership commences the month in which you pay your dues and is valid for twelve (12) months.  After the twelve (12) month period, your membership automatically expires. 


You are welcome to re-new your membership on or before the twelfth (12th) month to ensure you have no interruption in your voting rights. 


You now have two options to pay/renew your dues:


1.  Via cheque:  Please send cheque, payable to John W McCormack Civic Association, to:

John W. McCormack Civic Association

 c/o Travis Stewart

8 Saint Margaret Street

Dorchester, MA  02125


2.  Via Venmo:  @mccormackcivic.

Enter your name(s) in the "What's it for?" line.



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© John W. McCormack Civic Association