About John W. McCormack

TIME Magazine Cover 19th January 1962 - ©TIME Inc.



21 December 1891 - 22 November 1980



Mr. McCormack served as a member of United States House of Representatives from 1928 until he retired from political life in 1971.


He represented the interests of our district as congressperson in the United States House of Representatives and later served as Speaker of the same governing body. All during his time in the legislature, Mr. McCormack and his wife, Harriet, lived in Columbia Road at Edward Everett Square, within the geographic boundaries of our Civic Association.


McCormack triumphed over the forces of bigotry and poverty. On 10th January 1962 he was elected Speaker of the House of Representatives where he proudly and vigorously promoted the progressive domestic programs of Presidents Kennedy and Johnson - programs that were designed to advance the interests of civil rights, education and healthcare.

About us

The purpose of our volunteer Association is to help maintain and improve the quality of life in our North Dorchester neighborhood by working in partnership with the city government, local businesses and other community organizations to bring about civic betterment and social improvements for the good of our residents and the welfare of our community.

1995 - 2015


The John W. McCormack Civic Association celebrates 20 years serving our neighborhood.  Thank you to everyone who volunteer their time and resources to help make our neighborhood an even better place to live, work and enjoy.

Executive Board
The McCormack Civic Association is governed by a volunteer Executive Board elected by members of the Association.


Executive Board:

  • Gordon BEEBE
  • Samantha BOSCH
  • Matt MCALOON
  • Christine MCCARRICK
  • Alina MORRIS
  • Elzabeth PITTNER
  • Millie ROONEY
  • Travis STEWART


The Association works to accomplish it's objectives through the dedicated work of committees.  The task of the committees is to consider and respond to issues presented from the neighborhood. You are welcome and encouraged to join a committee that is of interest to you. 


Standing Committees:


The rules and regulations enacted by the Association to provide a framework for its operation and management have been approved by the membership and can be found below for your review.  


McCormack Civic Association By-Laws (v2014)
McCormack Civic Association By Laws (rev[...]
Adobe Acrobat document [35.8 KB]

Stay informed

Click here if you would like to join our e-mail list.

Events & projects

Please visit our Events and projects page to find out what your Association has been working on and what is in store for the near future.

Resident resources

If you would like more information about programs and services for residents such as how to get your free Resident Parking Permit, how you can fight crime or find out your trash collection day, kindly click here


Next Monthly Membership Meeting:

Tuesday, 18 February 2025

7:00 PM - 8:00 PM

(registration from 6:30PM)

73 Roseclair Street at St. Teresa of Calcutta Church Hall


When you become a Member at this meeting, you will have the right to vote on resident-initiated items on the agenda at the next meeting. 

Become a Member

Annual membership dues are only $5.00 or $10.00, at your discretion, and proof of residency within Association boundries will be needed to qualify your enrollment and membership. Please refer to Member-approved Association By-Laws for residency requirements. 


Your annual membership commences the month in which you pay your dues and is valid for twelve (12) months.  After the twelve (12) month period, your membership automatically expires. 


You are welcome to re-new your membership on or before the twelfth (12th) month to ensure you have no interruption in your voting rights. 


You now have two options to pay/renew your dues:


1.  Via cheque:  Please send cheque, payable to John W McCormack Civic Association, to:

John W. McCormack Civic Association

 c/o Travis Stewart

8 Saint Margaret Street

Dorchester, MA  02125


2.  Via Venmo:  @mccormackcivic.

Enter your name(s) in the "What's it for?" line.



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© John W. McCormack Civic Association